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noBGP's Vision for networking

noBGP revolutionizes cloud-native networking by enabling seamless workload-to-workload connectivity. We empower developers to create deterministic data paths across distributed workloads as effortlessly as deploying compute resources. By conquering the challenges of unpredictable networks, we meet critical enterprise demands for data privacy, security, performance, and governance in today's dynamic cloud ecosystem.

Cloud native is evolving

Cloud compute has evolved from single-cloud, single-VPC setups focused on isolated workloads to multi-region and hybrid clouds enabling distributed applications across diverse environments, and finally to multi-compute, microservices architectures that leverage containerization and orchestration for highly dynamic, scalable, and interconnected systems.

Join us on our journey to simplify and secure workload to workload connectivity.
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Single cloud
Single VPC

Was fairly simple, networking typically solved via legacy VPN

Multi cloud, multi region, hybrid icon

Multi region

Legacy VPNs won't scale so need resources to manage overlay network and zero ability to manage traffic routes.

Multi compute, microservices icon

Multi Compute

AI compute and trends like spotGPUs highlighting limitations of legacy internet networking for combing workloads

Internet networking is the wrong solution
for cloud native development

Current internet networking is plagued by non-deterministic routing, exposing assets via public IPs, and reliance on outdated protocols like BGP and DNS, which lack robust security and scalability. These limitations create inefficiencies, increase attack surfaces, and leave organizations with little control over how their data traverses global networks.

Internet networking relies heavily on manual efforts to configure and maintain routing protocols, firewalls, VPNs, and access controls, which are time-intensive and prone to human error. These tasks are essential to mitigate security risks and ensure connectivity, yet they fail to address the underlying inefficiencies and vulnerabilities of outdated network systems.

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